Prevention of non-communicable diseases
Assisting individuals in adopting a healthy lifestyle – Approach 180
By the Réseau d’action en santé cardiovasculaire (RASC) of La Chaire d’éducation interdisciplinaire pour un mode de vie sain
Dre Julie St-Pierre
To listen to his invitation, click on the following image:

Training Description
The Chair of Interdisciplinary Education for a Healthy Lifestyle offers you a broad-based and inclusive training that will allow you to obtain a certification of professional compliance in preventive care and support towards a healthy lifestyle.
General Objectives
- Better understanding of the issue of non-communicable diseases, including obesity, in order to provide appropriate interventions in an inclusive environment;
- Increase the professional’s sense of competence in managing non-communicable diseases and supporting a healthy lifestyle;
- Enable professionals to become agents of change and collaboration in their environment, promoting global health and prevention initiatives.
Lesson plan and specifics objectives (12 modules)
Module 1
- Why wait? Health at hand. This film is a playful and scientific quest aimed at a better understanding of individual and collective global health. Let's explore multi-sectoral and sustainable solutions driven by the desire to live healthy lives while contributing to the well-being of communities and the planet.
Module 2: From Universal Hygiene to Sustainable Health
- Describe the historical introduction of universal hygiene measures
- Define comprehensive and sustainable health
- Identify the economic impact of prevention
Module 3: Economic, social and cultural aspects of our lifestyle
- Define the social determinants of health
- Describe the impact of social determinants of health on healthy living
- Describe the relationship between social determinants of health and obesity
- Identify ways to adapt its interventions in accordance with the principles of equity and universal health accessibility
Module 4: Physical activity and movement
- Define and distinguish the following concepts: physical activity, sport, movement, physical inactivity and sedentary behavior.
- Describe the health effects of physical activity and physical inactivity.
- Identify physical activity recommendations for different life stages.
- Identify strategies to facilitate the establishment of objectives for the integration and success of a movement plan.
- Recognize the impact of the environment in which movement is practiced by identifying the relationships between physical activity, nature and pollution.
Module 5: The body's energy needs: 100% anti-diet
- Identify the energy needs of the human body in order to better understand its functioning
- Critically assess the wellness and weight loss industry in order to capture the negative impact of wellness and weight loss on the physical and mental health of individuals
Module 6: Healthy eating habits
- Describe the principles of healthy eating and how to implement them
- Recognize the importance of the food context and environment on the eating behavior of individuals
- Identify the factors that influence hunger and satiety and understand the different reasons why we eat
- Know the recommendations for salt, fat and sugar consumption
- Understand the ecological, economic and societal impacts of our food choices on sustainable health
Module 7: Sleep: needs and impacts
- Explain the normal organization of sleep and its functions
- Describe the impact of sleep on overall health
- Identify sleep needs at different stages of life
- Describe the key elements of good sleep hygiene
- Recognize warning signs of major sleep disorders requiring referral
Module 8: Sound Monitor Management
- Explain the effects of screens on overall health
- Identify screen time recommendations by age
- Describe strategies for healthy screen use
- Identify warning signs of cyber dependency
Module 9: From Physical to Mental Health
- Describe the foundations of wellness in a mental health context
- Identify how mental health can affect our individual and collective happiness
- Explain the relationship between mental health and NCDs
- Identify the psychosocial consequences of obesity
- Recognize appropriate and effective interventions to improve mental health through healthy living
Module 10: Obesity is a complex disease and its complications
- Treat obesity as a disease in order to provide patients with medical care that is fair and appropriate to their needs
- Describe the global health emergency related to obesity and its multisectoral impacts
- Recognize complications related to obesity
- Distinguish weight-related prejudice, stigma and discrimination to better respond
Module 11: Medical and surgical treatment of obesity
- Define the principles of universality, equity and accessibility of care
- Describe behavioral and motivational approaches to managing obesity
- To identify pharmacological treatments recognized in the management of obesity
- Explain the decision algorithm for bariatric surgery
Module 12: The first 1000 days and the rest of life
- Understand the basics of epigenetics and fetal programming
- Define the concept of the first 1000 days
- Understand the importance of the first 1000 days to reduce disease
Duration of training : 15 heures
- 395 $, member and student member
- 450 $, non-member
*Only members in good standing can benefit from the member rate; your membership number will be requested to validate your membership..
To register, visit:
To access the training, go directly to the RASC's training portal. You will be asked for your membership number, and your membership must be in good standing.